Streetscape Progress

Contractor J. Villa Construction, Inc. began installing inlet protection along Greenmount Avenue last week. This was done to prevent construction material from getting into the storm drains during the upcoming construction work. The protection usually consists of permeable barriers installed around an inlet to filter runoff and remove sediment prior to entering a storm drain.

The week of the 19th the contractor will be starting inlet and sidewalk work on the east side of Greenmount Ave. from 29th St. to 30th St.

Parking lanes on the east side of Greenmount Avenue will be closed to perform the inlet and sidewalk work during the construction .

Waverly Main Street is working with the DOT and DPW to coordinate virtual presentations/Q&A sessions for both the merchants along Greenmount, and the surrounding communities.  Dates for these presentations will be announced once confirmed.

The Baltimore City Department of Transportation (BCDOT) and Department of Public Works (DPW) are collaborating to complete infrastructure upgrades along the Greenmount Avenue from E. 29th Street to E. 43rd Street. Following the City’s “one-build philosophy”, construction of underground facilities including new water main and conduit will culminate with surface improvements completed under the streetscape project component. The conduit work that is underway along the Greenmount Avenue Corridor is being done to strengthen the reliability of a system and infrastructure that has exceeded its design life, according to the Baltimore City website, which also states the aging infrastructure is in a state that requires imminent repair. 

Please send any questions or concerns regarding the Greenmount Avenue Construction Project to Jeffrey Fleming at